Thoughts on New Media Industries

Sunday, May 11, 2008


and so ends my stint as a KCB201 blogger. From here on out my blog will be free of virtual cultures only inspired content!!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Power to the people

Citizen Journalism, through mechanisms such as blogging, has forever changed the media landscape (Sambrook, 2007). Politian’s are no longer held solely accountable by official media outlets, but also by members of the general public, who can now communicate on a international level. Not only is this giving individual voice more leverage, but it is acting as a watchdog for traditional media institution (Ward and Stewart, 2007). However whilst a change in the political landscape because of citezen jouralism is obvious, changes in the business and advertising sectors has also been significant.

Recently I have been required to conduct in-depth research into the advertising strategies of the Lynx deodorant company, from an advertising and promotional viewpoint. Whilst assessing current opinion on their campaign a great amount of community outrage was uncovered in regards to its use of an overtly sexual approach, and its blatant objectification of women. Whilst this received a lot of "traditional" media coverage during their Lynx Jet campaign, “Get On and Get Off” it quickly disappeared, without a resulting change in Lynx’s direction of advertising. However the outrage has lived on in the blogging community. Traditional media outlets have abandoned the issue, whilst citizen journalists continue to criticise Lynx’s campaign. One can hope such continued scrutiny and voiced public outrage will result in a more ethical advertising practise from Lynx. General perusal of their website would suggests this as necessary as the ability to undress and view raunchy clips of online characters is disturbing from a company that identifies its target market as 13-15 year old boys in the advertising brief I was presented with.

But Lynx is not the only company being held accountable. Bloggers have commented upon the practises of business as large as BHP Billiton to the local deli in their small town. What this mean for business, specifically advertising and PR faucets, is that their behaviour is being monitored by the wider community, not simply a concentrated selection of national media moguls (Lasica, 2006). Yes this requires more transparent and ethically sound business practises, but it also means direct communication with the businesses stakeholders. Public Relations and Advertising personal can conduct a simple web search to identify the opinions and grievances of customers and stakeholders, concerning the businesses actions and advertising campaigns (Ord, 2004). Such direct and easy feedback can be invaluable in accessing the strengths and weakness of an advertising campaign or business action. Strategies can be created to correct problems are head off potential crisis’s. The constructive criticism can also induce changes which will lead to better future action.

Citizen Journalism may not yet hold the credibility of traditional media coverage, but this does not make it any less significant or influential (Cunningham and Turner, 2006). Individual can now affect and communicate directly with businesses or institution, without filtration through a third party (the media). Collectively these voices have the potential to enact real change in the business environment. And assuming that the communication can be two way there is an opportunity that citizen journalism can be a mutually beneficial relationship for both business and bloggers alike (Cunningham and Turner, 2006).

- Cunningham, S and G. Turner. (2006). The Media and Communications in Australia. Allen and Unwin: Crows Nest.

- Ward, I and R. Stewart. (2006). Politics One. Palgrave Macmillian: South Yarra.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just so you know

i was very apposed to becoming a blogger when first i learned it was to be an assessment item. Who knew i would grow to love getting my opinion out there!

p.s Looking forward to picking my own topics

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Open Source Software

I am a computer dependant person. Of all my worldly possessions my hard drive and my wireless broadband are what I hold most dearly to my heart. My laptop follows me around the house like a favourite pet, even keeping me company in my kitchen when i am forced to cook dinner. And I am not alone, as the two other laptop pets follow around my fellow housemates. However in all my hours of computer use i have never considered my actions unethical. I am still yet to download a song illegally, yet upon close inspection this seemed to be the limit of my moral boundaries of internet use.

I do not download music illegally, but I am unopposed to sharing the downloaded music of others. Somewhat like receiving stolen goods, it’s not stealing but it’s definitely not legal. Open source software is another example of a potential ethical issue I was blatantly unaware of. The fact I can download necessary software for free off the internet is an opportunity I have utilised on many occasion. Wave editors and movie decoders are plentifully available without financial obligation. So why would I bother paying for them. However what i have never considered during these transactions is whether the software I am downloading is truly “open source” or an illegal and inferior copy. In exploring this issue i discover I could download editions of the program Photoshop, an expensive Microsoft program, for free. However these are illegal copies of copyrighted material. Downloading them would be both illegal and unethical. But what for those programs which are less know. How can the average internet user are expected to know which programs are open source and which are illegal copies? And to what degree can users be held accountable for their own ignorance? These are all examples of how technology is accelerating at a rate the law cannot match, and where education of appropriate and ethical computer and internet use may be necessary.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

advertising and produsage

In 2006 Times Magazine names “You” as their Times Person of the Year. The attribution of this prestigious title highlights the growing importance of user driven content in the online environment. Grossman, the magazines editor, describes the choice.

"It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes."

This environment of consumer driven design and content is having major implications for the worlds of advertising, marketing and public relations. One first such example is the use of blogs and their network to create communities of interest and conversation about brands and products (Wells et al., 2008, p.278). These communities build consumer awareness without cost to the business. However such practise could also have negative consequence. Because the business is not controlling the information sharing or distribution there is the potential for consumers to disrupt the intended brand image or desired perception (Langford, 2007). There is nothing worse than having no ability to influence the communities of your customers (Langford, 2007). Coke attempted to utilise the blogging movement with the launch of its Coke Zero product, establishing a blog “The Zero Movement”. In order to control and shape the information on this site the company posted “fake” consumer blogs and comments. This was met with widespread rage amongst the blogging community, whom went as far as creating a anti coke zero website the zeromovement.

So the questioned is raised, how can companies utilise the produsage movement to further their business advantage? The Converse Shoe Company is an example of a company utilising the produsage phenomenon for business benefit. They have run a series of successful campaigns in which consumers have created short commercial, with thousands of entries submitted (Walker, 2006). Not only is the company receiving an astronomical number of creative ideas, which directly appeal to consumers, they are developing a personal connection with the creators of this content. The press or “buzz” surrounding the campaign was also significant which suggests the genre has some scope in the field of Public Relations (Moskowitz, 2008). Analysis of the ads could also offer an insight into the perception of the brand held by the consumer creators.

Utilised correctly consumer driven design and content can be a promising way for engaging the consumer community and developing hype around a brand or product. But companies beware. The execution of a campaign to include these produsers requires a high level of innovation, and individual appeal. Replication of past successes is not sufficient for future successes (Moskowitz, 2008). But if done right consumer driven design and content may be just the way to reach an increasing fragmented and technologically savvy target market (Moskowitz, 2008).

Langford, A. (2007) The Use of Personalization and Customization in Marketing and Advertising. (as accessed 29th April, 2008)

Moskowitz, R. (2006). Are Consumer-Generated Ads Here to Stay? (as accessed 29th April, 2008)

Walker, R. (2008). Free Advertising. The New York Times. (as accessed 29th April 2008)

Wells, Spence-Stone, Moriarty and Burnett (2008). Advertising Practises and Principals. Frenchs Forrest: Pearson Education